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One of the most celebrated traditions in Sweden takes place during the longest day of the year, and it’s called Midsommar. We decided we wanted to show these traditions to all the Berliners missing out and comfort all the Scandinavians lost in Berlin with some activities from home. This Midsommar however, has the Nordic by Nature touch! Meaning it consists of loads & loads of Scandinavian music, flower wreaths, a maypole, ice cream, food, drinks & games, including a Göteborg paper chase where you can win a trip to Göteborg. For a typical Midsommar “Nubbe” experience, we’re bringing our Our/Berlin friends and their delicious vodka on board. And since waiting is a hard thing to do, we’re giving away a bottle of Our/Berlin vodka in the meantime to one of you lucky people. So to come and celebrate Midsommar with a bottle of vodka in your hand, send us an email telling us why you don’t deserve to win: [email protected]

And if you want to check how prepared you are for Midsommar, you can take our quiz ‘How Göteborg Are You?’

Live: Sandra Kolstad, Summer Heart, Blaue Blume, Adna, Ice Cream Cathedral, Rytmeklubben, Pooma

FRI, 20 JUN | Urban Spree | Revaler Str. 99, Friedrichshain | 16:00 | Facebook Event | FREE



Other than Scandinavian things to do in Berlin, there’s also Scandinavian people to meet in Berlin. This time we have a special guest in our newsletter. She’s a lovely Swedish designer who lives in the city. Her name is Sandra Juto, and she gets to do something everyone dreams of - be her own boss! Not only that, but she also makes a living from her passion. She kindly took some time out to talk to us about her unique projects, so keep an eye on our blog for more info. If you love the look of her creations and fancy being the proud owner of one, then you’ll be excited to hear that we’re giving away one of Sandra’s illustrations and she's even letting you choose which one you'd like! To be in with a chance of winning some new artwork for your wall, simply email us with a quick sketch of yourself. We want to see your creative skills, or lack of, we won’t judge! Send it to [email protected]

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Galerie Nordenhake is hosting the first solo exhibition of the painter Paul Fägerskiöld. This Swedish painter is the closest you'll find to a really great magician. His large canvases appear to be a simple monochromatic flat space, but if you get a little closer… BOOM, magic! An explosion of microscopic colour drops coming from nowhere and suddenly filling the space - like a flower blossoming in fast motion. Like a silent Spring, waiting for you to come close enough to see it bursting.

UNTIL SAT, 21 JUN | Galerie Nordenhake | Lindenstrasse 34, Kreuzberg | FREE




Last week the 8th edition of the Berlin Biennale kicked off, bringing in an artistic schedule on your calendar for the next two months. The venues, which include Haus am Waldsee, Museen Dahlem, KW & Crash Pad, will be hosting exhibitions from a wide range of international artists, including Scandinavian representatives Matts Leiderstam and the Vietnamese/Danish performer Danh Vo. The concept that holds this year’s edition together is the exploration through the intersection between larger historical narratives and individuals lives. Intriguing right?

Until SUN 3, AUG | KW, Haus am Waldsee & Museen Dahlem | Website | Program | Kombiticket - 16€




Life is normally pretty boring, but sometimes amazing things can happen. That’s the story behind the documentary by Swedish director Malik Bendjelloul, 'Searching For Sugar Man'. For some the story is about a frustrated musician, but for others it’s a mysterious musical reference. A few of you reading this may have already seen it, but have you seen it in the great outdoors? Thought not. Watch it on a Summer’s night at Freiluftkino Kreuzberg with a beer in your hand - for free!

SAT 14, JUN | Freiluftkino Kreuzberg | Mariannenplatz 2, Kreuzberg | 21:45 | Facebook Event | FREE

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